Sunday, November 4, 2012

shhh! i'm sleeping


  1. Awesome post! Remember we used to take naps after lunch on our mission? I loved those and always felt refreshed. Love you Nat!

  2. So glad grandpa costarred in this one. Love it.

  3. This is soooo great!! I'm jealous of your amazing talent, Natalie! Maelyn told me about a napping entry, and I was all over it. I, too, am a napaholic, hoping never to recover. Sleep to my family is like sugar to Mormons. May the two always go hand in hand, by the way. Rock (a-bye) On!

  4. what a cute blog, Natalie! Love your illustrations and can totally identify with the napping (and the reference to "moving pipe"!) I, too, have some not-so-good memories of my sleepy self rearing its ugly head when I was awakened by one of the kids. Oh well...they are older now and know not to mess with mama's nap!
